

สวัสดีตอนเช้า / Chào buổi sáng - Hijiri

สวัสดีตอนเช้า / Chào buổi sáng - Hijiri  画像

 Lemme begin by saying .... Graduated Southeast Asia Virginity 

Its been awhile since I've been oversea for travel and especially country that I never been to so damn I was excited. Well I went to South Korea last year but that don't count since its pretty much like going home. When I checked the weather there it was thunderstorm for the whole week we were going to so I was kind of upset but once we got there it only rained like 2 days in total. We decided to go to Bangkok for 3 nights well pretty much 2 nights since we got there at midnight and 4 days in Hanoi/Sapa. Soon as we landed to get a grab which is like Uber in the southeast we step outside and holy shit it was so humid. Man it was like 36 degrees and because it was so humid it was hard to breathe. Since it was my first time in the South East it was so trippy with colorful taxi and locals there were more chill to the point they didn't give a single fuck. It was a new atmosphere so took time getting used to the culture. It was past midnight but once we got to the downtown area I'm guessing near our hotel out the window man it was so alive. People still working, partying, and socializing. Living in Awaji Island it was the exact opposite, been using to the peaceful area at night to the city I felt like a kid from the countryside in a way. Anyways from the perspective of seeing things for the first time in a place never been to gave me so much inspiration for photography. I'm used to take street photography but never got into portraits since for no reason it just felt boring but been out there I started enjoying a lil conversation even though we don't understand each other the people in the Southeast were very interesting to my eyes as a subject and also more open compared to the people in Japan. I really enjoyed street photography in Bangkok. Some of my favorite spot was the Chinatown, and the night markets. Ill be posting more content from my trip on my instagram so check me out @iwhoarewed
Here are some photos....

On the 18th early morning had to leave the hotel around 5am to catch the plane to go to Hanoi which was like 2 hour flight and got there early in the morning. Since we were taking the 6hr night bus to Sapa at midnight we just decided to stay in our hotel and relax. The bus was like capsule hotel so it wasn't that painful on my back and we got there around 6am and nothing was open so we just decided to chill at a random hotel lobby. At around 7am took a taxi to cat cat village which is like tourist spot hiking course, but started raining crazy.... well here are some photos

I don't know the best way to compare but if Sapa was a place in Japan I guess from my knowledge it would be like nagasaki a city in the mountains but the only difference would be the building were in European style.

We just walked around downtown till 4pm and took the bus back to hanoi. Once we got back we decided to go out for dinner around midnight and went to a famous local store and had some bun cha which was 🔥

Well I can go on forever but the blog will be couple pages and I'm over it so overall had lots of fun taking photos and exploring. Also enjoy the local food in both Thailand and Vietnam. Will definitely recommend to go see for yourself for some mental training and life lessons 👌
Oh and BTW will recommend you to go to the spa cause I went pretty much everyday and the cafe there is just amazing with famous salt coffee, coconut coffee and egg coffee issa must try. 👍