The beginning - Hijiri.K

Last week I was scrolling throght all my photos and found some photos when the cafe/kuniuminochi villa guest house construct started.
For this blog I'll like to share some of photos before the cafe was made and some photos of things we have accomplished.
Here are some of photos of the construction site and things we did before the opening of the cafe!
After concrete base of cafe been poured
Building the slop and stairway entrance of the cafe
Inside of the cafe before the wallpaper
When we moved in to Kitayama Heights nearby apartment to start painting and working on the diy place.
Cleaning Project #1 when we cleaned Fukakusa Park and front of the cafe
Cleaning Project #2 when we cleaned and picked up trash in front of the sea
Cutting grasses in front of the cafe and cleaning the sidewalk
When we first went to see the place we were going to live and diy
Painting the fence and the deck of the cafe
Was a very busy summer!