
This week, well before I get to my weekly update, I have to share something that happened two days ago. I woke up and, when I tried to stand up, I couldn’t put any weight on my left leg and just fell down. My left foot was swollen in the ankle area, and it felt like my ankle was broken. What the actual fuck? I could barely walk, but with Laras help, I crawled my way into a taxi to the nearby hospital. When I got there, the first thing they mentioned wasn’t my condition, but the fact that I wasn’t wearing a mask. Welcome to Japan. Anyway, enough of this unhealthy stuff.
On the 18th, I had my second shoot for the upcoming film. For this day, we had only two different locations for the shots. I got picked up at 8 AM and we headed to Iwaya, Awaji. The first set was inside a traditional Japanese house, mainly in the kitchen, where there was an interaction between a mother and daughter. Since our film is made on a no-budget basis and relies on love, passion, and support, one of our actresses kindly let us use her house. The vibe was perfect for the film's aesthetic. We decided to eat lunch there and quick rest for the next location. Right before we left since we were nearly on top of the mountain I decided to check out the view man its cray heres a picture
From there we headed towards Goshiki was about an hour and half ride to shoot at trashed bus. The vibe of this trashed bus was perfected for the storyline atmosphere. There was a farmer nearby and asked for permission and apparently it was locals community center well not sure if I can call it a center but I guess people on island is built different and think unique. He didn't mind us filming at all and we filmed for about an hour.